标准号:IEC 60695-11-10-2013
中文标准名称:着火危险试验.第11-10部分:试验火焰.50 W水平及垂直火焰试验法
英文标准名称:Fire hazard testing.Part 11-10: Test flames.50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60695-4;IEC 60695-11-4;IEC Guide 104;ISO/IEC Guide 51;ISO/IEC 13943-2008;ISO 291-2008;ISO 293;ISO 294;ISO 295;ISO 307;ISO 9773;ISO 16012
适用范围:This part of IEC 60695 specifies small-scale laboratory test procedures intended to compare the burning behaviour of different materials used in electrotechnical products when vertically or horizontally oriented test bar specimens are exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W. These test methods determine either the linear burning rate or the self-extinguishing properties of materials.