标准号:DIN EN 62343-2018
中文标准名称:动态模块.总则和指引(IEC 62343-2017); 德文版本EN 62343-2017
英文标准名称:Dynamic modules - General and guidance (IEC 62343:2017); German version EN 62343:2017
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2018/6/1 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC GUIDE 107-2014;IEC 60050-731-1991;IEC 61290-1-2014;IEC 61290-1-1-2015;IEC 61290-1-2-2005;IEC 61290-1-3-2015;IEC 61290-3-2008;IEC 61290-3-1-2003;IEC 61290-3-2-2008;IEC 61290-3-3-2013;IEC 61290-4-1-2016;IEC 61290-4-2-2011;IEC 61290-4-3-2015;IEC 61290-5-
适用范围:This Standard applies to all commercially available optical dynamic modules and devices. It describes the products covered by the IEC 62343 series, defines terminology, fundamental considerations and basic approaches. This standard covers performance templates, performance standards, reliability qualification requirements, hardware and software interfaces and related testing methods.