标准号:BS ISO 2467-2004
中文标准名称:电影.65 mm/5穿孔电影摄影机片窗新形成的画面区域和70 mm/5穿孔电影拷贝的*大可放映画面区域.位置和尺寸
英文标准名称:Cinematography - Image area produced by 65 mm/5 perforation motion-picture camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 70 mm/5 perforation motion-picture prints - Positions and dimensions
发布日期:2004/7/13 12:00:00
实施日期:2004/7/13 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard specifies, for 65 mm/5 perforation motion-picture cameras and projectors, the dimensions of the image area produced by the camera on the film and the maximum projectable image area as well as the image positions relative to the reference edge of the film, and the perforations used to position the film in the camera.