标准号:IEC 60793-1-47-2009
英文标准名称:Optical fibres - Part 1-47: Measurement methods and test procedures - Macrobending loss
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60793-1-1;IEC 60793-1-40;IEC 60793-1-46;IEC 61280-4-1
适用范围:This part of IEC 60793 establishes uniform requirements for measuring the macrobendingloss of single-mode fibres (category B) at 1 550 nm or 1 625 nm, category A1 multimodefibres at 850 nm or 1 300 nm, and category A3 and A4 multimode fibres at 650 nm, 850 nm or1 300 nm, thereby assisting in the inspection of fibres and cables for commercial purposes.The standard gives two methods for measuring macrobending sensitivity:• Method A – Fibre winding, pertains to category B single-mode fibres and category A1multimode fibres.• Method B – Quarter circle bends, pertains to category A3 and A4 multimode fibres.For both of these methods, the optical power is measured using either the power monitoringor the cut-back technique.Methods A and B are expected to produce different results if they are applied to the samefibre. This is because the key difference between the two methods is the deployment,including the bend radius and amount of fibre that is bent. The reason for the difference isthat A3 and A4 multimode fibres are expected to be deployed in short lengths with relativelyfewer bends compared to single-mode and category A1 multimode fibres.In the following text, the “curvature radius” is defined as the radius of the suitable circularshaped support (e.g. mandrel or guiding groove on a flat surface) on which the fibre can bebent.