标准号:BS EN 13648-1-2008
英文标准名称:Cryogenic vessels —
Safety devices for
protection against
excessive pressure
Part 1: Safety valves for cryogenic
发布日期:2009/2/28 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/2/28 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1252-1-1998;EN 1252-2-2001;EN 1797-2001;EN 12300-1998;EN ISO 4126-1-2004;EN ISO 4126-4-2004
适用范围:This European Standard is restricted to valves not exceeding a size of DN 100 for category B. The valves ofcategory A are limited to DN 25 and set pressures up to 40 bars. Both categories are designed to relieve singlephase vapours or gases. A valve can be specified, constructed and tested such that it is suitable for use with morethan one gas or with mixtures of gases.