标准号:BS DD CEN ISO/TS 18234-4-2006
英文标准名称:Traffic and travel information (TTI) - TTI via transport protocol expert group (TPEG) data-streams - Road traffic message (RTM) application
发布日期:2006/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/6/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This document establishes the method of delivering Road Traffic Messages within a TPEG service. The TPEG-RTM application is designed to allow the efficient and language independent delivery of road information directly from service provider to end-users. The information provided relates to event and some status information on the road network and on associated infrastructure affecting a road journey. For example, limited information about abnormal operation of links in the network may be included, such as ferries, liftingbridges, etc. The term “application” is used in TPEG specifications to describe specific applications, such as in this case the Road Traffic Message application, which comprises three information containers: the Message Management Container, the Application Event Container and the TPEG-Location Container. The first two Containers are fully described herein and the TPEG-Location Container is described in CEN ISO/TS 18234-6. Each TPEG application (e.g. TPEG-RTM) is assigned a unique number that is called the application identification (AID). An AID is defined whenever a new application is developed. The AID is used within the TPEG-Service and Network Information Application (CEN ISO/TS 18234-3) to indicate how to process TPEG content and allows routing of data to an appropriate application decoder. AID = 0001 is assigned to the TPEG-Road Traffic Message application, described in this specification. A hierarchical methodology has been developed to allow the creation of messages from a set of TPEG-RTM tables, which are essentially word oriented and cover most needs. Many of the TTI descriptive words, in the TPEG-RTM tables, were obtained from the DATEX dictionary (ENV 13106), which embodies European TTI knowledge of the last ten years or more, including a deconstruct of the phrase oriented RDS-TMC events list (EN ISO 14819-2). These TPEG-RTM tables (essentially word oriented data object dictionaries) comprise a wide ranging ability to describe a TTI event and some status information, introducing new precision in a number of areas such as “vehicle types”, “positional information on the carriageway” and “diversion routing advice”. NOTE Explicit backwards compatibility with the RDS-TMC events list (EN ISO 14819-2) could not be achieved since some “update classes”, such as “29 Reference to Audio Broadcasts” and “30 Service Messages”, fall outside the TPEG-RTM remit.