标准号:BS 817-2008
英文标准名称:Specification for surface plates
发布日期:2008/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/11/30 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 1133-19;BS EN 1561-1997
适用范围:This British Standard specifies the construction, and dimensionsand tolerances, for rectangular and square surface plates foruse as working planes for engineering purposes, made of castiron or granite, in two size ranges, from 160 mm × 100 mm to2 500 mm × 1 600 mm and from 12 in × 12 in to 96 in × 48 in, and infour grades of accuracy.The standard is applicable to new surface plates and to plates that arebeing resurfaced after they have become worn.In addition to the definitive requirements, this standard also requiresthe items detailed in Clause 4 to be documented. For compliance withthis standard, both the definitive requirements and the documenteditems have to be met.