标准号:ISO/TS 18234-6-2006
英文标准名称:Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 6: Location referencing applications
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Specification establishes the method of location referencing used by TPEG applications suchas TPEG-RTM or TPEG-PTI.TPEG applications are specified to contain all the information required by a client TPEG decoder (i.e. bothlocation referencing and event information), to present all the information intended for the end-user when itwas originated by the service provider.The term “application” is used in TPEG specifications to describe specific applications, which are at thehighest layer of the ISO/OSI protocol stack (ISO/IEC 7498-1). Each TPEG application (e.g. TPEG-RTM) isassigned a unique number that is called the Application IDentification (AID). In this respect TPEG-Loc is notan application, but it is an essential constituent part of an application.Location referencing requires a service provider to give an impression or image to the human end-user ofwhere an event has taken place. This cannot be done easily because the human end-user may or may not befamiliar with the location. TPEG-Loc has the added challenge of attempting to be as language independent aspossible. This is achieved by the use of TPEG-Loc tables (essentially word oriented data object dictionaries).TPEG-Loc also provides location data in a machine-readable form that allows a “thick” client such as anavigation system to map-match, on-the-fly, to locate the event being described onto a digital map display.NOTE Explicit backwards compatibility with the RDS-TMC location referencing method (EN ISO 14819-3) has NOTbeen attempted, because RDS-TMC locations are finite in number and must be predetermined. TPEG technology doesnot suffer from this restriction.