标准号:DIN SPEC 4002-102-2011
英文标准名称:Properties and their scopes for product data exchange - Part 102: Units and quantities on www.DINsml.net
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This series of documents specifies a procedure for compiling and standardizing sturtural elements in accordance with the international series of documents ISO/IEC Guide 77, ISO 13584, IEC 61360 and ISO 29002,whereby thes structural elements form the normative content of the DIN Properties Dictionary.The DIN 4002 series also specifies:a) details and explanatory information regarding the description of the attributes of structural elements and of logical relationships between structural elements;b) rules governing the provision of content to fill strutural elements;c) definition of a processing sequence for compiling and standardzing structural elements;d) definiton of data for the transfer of structural elments by experts to the DIN Properties Dictionary;e) compatilbel supplements to ISO 13584-32 OR ISO/TS 13584-35, which practical experience has shown to be necessary and which are not contained in ISO 13584, IEC 61360 and ISO 29002.This series of documents does not apply to the exchange of structural elements and their contents between software applications, apart from definitons which are exclusively supplementary, i.e. not contained in ISO 13584, IEC 61360 or ISO 29002.