标准号:ISO 1179-1-2013
中文标准名称:通用和液压传动用连接件.带弹性体密封或金属对金属密封的ISO 228-1标准螺纹的孔口和螺柱端.第1部分:带螺纹的孔口
英文标准名称:Connections for general use and fluid power.Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing.Part 1: Threaded ports
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 228-1;ISO 1179-2;ISO 1179-3;ISO 1179-4;ISO 5598
适用范围:This part of ISO 1179 specifies dimensions for ports with ISO 228-1 threads for use with non-adjustable stud ends described in ISO 1179-2, ISO 1179-3 and ISO 1179-4 and with adjustable stud ends described in ISO 1179-3.