BS EN 1993-5-2007 欧洲法规3.钢结构设计.打桩工程

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS EN 1993-5-2007
英文标准名称:Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Piling
发布日期:2007/4/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/4/30 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1990;EN 1991;EN 1992;EN 1993;EN 1993 Part 1.1;EN 1993 Part 1.2;EN 1993 Part 1.3;EN 1993 Part 1.5;EN 1993 Part 1.6;EN 1993 Part 1.8;EN 1993 Part 1.9;EN 1993 Part 1.10;EN 1993 Part 1.11;EN 1994;EN 1997;EN 1998;EN 10002;EN 10027;EN 10210;EN 10219;EN 10248
适用范围:(1) Part 5 of EN 1993 provides principles and application rules for the structural design of bearing pilesand sheet piles made of steel.(2) It also provides examples of detailing for foundation and retaining wall structures.(3) The field of application includes:- steel piled foundations for civil engineering works on land and over water;- temporary or permanent structures needed to carry out steel piling work;- temporary or permanent retaining structures composed of steel sheet piles, including all kinds ofcombined walls.(4) The field of application excludes:- offshore platforms;- dolphins.(5) Part 5 of EN 1993 also includes application rules for steel piles filled with concrete.(6) Special requirements for seismic design are not covered. Where the effects of ground movementscaused by earthquakes are relevant see EN 1998.(7) Design provisions are also given for walings, bracing and anchorages, see section 7.(8) The design of steel sheet piling using class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections is covered in sections 5 and 6,whereas the design of class 4 cross-sections is covered in annex A.NOTE: The testing of class 4 sheet piles is covered in annex B.(9) The design procedures for crimped U-piles and straight web steel sheet piles utilise design resistancesobtained by testing. Reference should be made to EN 10248 for testing procedures.(10) Geotechnical aspects are not covered in this document. Reference is made to EN 1997.(11) Provisions for taking into account the effects of corrosion in the design of piling are given in section 4.(12) Allowance for plastic global analysis in accordance with 5.4.3 of EN 1993-1-1 is given in 5.2.NOTE: Guidance for the design of steel sheet pile walls allowing for plastic global analysis is given inAnnex C.(13) The design of combined walls at ultimate limit states is covered in section 5 including generalprovisions for the design of primary elements.NOTE: Guidance for the design of both tubular piles and I-sections used as primary elements is given inAnnex D.






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