标准号:ISO 17356-2-2005
中文标准名称:道路车辆.嵌入式机动车装置用开放式界面.第2部分:连接OS, COM和NM的OSEK/VDX规范
英文标准名称:Road vehicles - Open interface for embedded automotive applications - Part 2: OSEK/VDX specifications for binding OS, COM and NM
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 17356 gives the OSEK/VDX specifications for binding the OS (operating system), COM (communications) and NM (network management) of the open interface for embedded automotive applications. Its purpose is to prevent divergences from those ISO 17356 specifications — given in ISO 17356-3, ISO 17356-4 and ISO 17356-5 — by making it possible to refer to a single document. It specifies the variables (error codes, status types, etc.) programmable by the user to ensure that implementation of OS, COM and NM are coherent between each other.