标准号:BS EN 60964-2010
英文标准名称:Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Design
发布日期:2009/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/6/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard establishes requirements for the human-machine interface in themain control rooms of nuclear power plants. The standard also establishes requirements forthe selection of functions, design consideration and organization of the human-machineinterface and procedures which shall be used systematically to verify and validate thefunctional design. These requirements reflect the application of human factors engineeringprinciples as they apply to the human-machine interface during normal and abnormal plantconditions. This standard does not cover special purpose or normally unattended controlpoints, such as those provided for shutdown operations from outside the main control room orfor radioactive waste handling, or emergency response facilities. Detailed equipment design isoutside the scope of this standard.The primary purpose of this standard is to provide functional design requirements to be usedin the design of the main control room of a nuclear power plant to meet operational and safetyrequirements. This standard also provides functional interface requirements which relate tocontrol room staffing, operating procedures, and the training programmes which, together withthe human-machine interface, constitute the control room system.This standard is intended for application to new control rooms whose conceptual design isinitiated after the publication of this standard. If it is desired to apply it to an existing controlroom, special caution must be exercised so that the design basis is kept consistent.