标准号:ISO 10972-5-2006
英文标准名称:Cranes - Requirements for mechanisms - Part 5: Bridge and gantry cranes
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 4306-1;ISO 10245-5;ISO 10972-1;ISO 12210-1;ISO 12488-1
适用范围:This part of ISO 10972 establishes the particular requirements relating to mechanisms for bridge and gantry cranes, as defined in ISO 4306-1. The general requirements for mechanisms for cranes are given in ISO 10972-1.These particular requirements concerna) the general layout and design of mechanisms;b) the selection and/or design requirements of components;c) the instructions for manufacturing, mounting, installation and testing.Rules for proof of competence calculations regarding different limit states (yield strength, fatigue, wear) are excluded from this part of ISO 10972.