标准号:IEC 61954 Edition 2.2-2017
中文标准名称:静止无功补偿器(SVC). 晶闸管阀试验
英文标准名称:Static var compensators (SVC) - Testing of thyristor valves
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60060-1-2010;IEC 60060-2-2010;IEC 60060-3-2006;IEC 60071-1-2006;IEC 60071-1 AMD 1-2010;IEC 60071-1 Edition 8.1-2011;IEC 60071-2-1996;IEC 60071-5-2014;IEC 60270-2000;IEC 60700-1-2015
适用范围:This International Standard defines type, production and optional tests on thyristor valves used in thyristor controlled reactors (TCR), thyristor switched reactors (TSR) and thyristor switched capacitors (TSC) forming part of static VAR compensators (SVC) for power system applications. The requirements of the standard apply both to single valve units (one phase) and to multiple valve units (several phases). Clauses 4 to 7 detail the type tests, i.e. tests which are carried out to verify that the valve design meets the requirements specified. Clause 8 covers the production tests, i.e. tests which are carried out to verify proper manufacturing. Clauses 9 and 10 detail optional tests, i.e. tests additional to the type and production tests.