标准号:BS 5990-2006
中文标准名称:额定热输入在330 kW-2 MW之间的工业和商业空间加热用直接燃气式强制对流空气加热器规范.安全性和性能要求(不包括电气要求)(第2版)
英文标准名称:Specification for direct gas-fired forced convection air heaters with rated heat inputs greater than 330 kW but not exceeding 2 MW for industrial and commercial space heating - Safety and performance requirements (excluding electrical requirements) (2nd f
发布日期:2006/7/20 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/20 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 10;BS 476-4;BS 476-7;BS 476-12;BS 1042-2.1
适用范围:This British Standard gives detailed requirements, including safety andperformance requirements and methods of test, for direct gas firedforced convection air heaters having heat inputs greater than 330 kWbut not exceeding 2 MW, intended for industrial and commercialapplications. Appliances covered by this standard are not intended forinstallation in domestic dwellings.The scope of this standard includes direct gas fired forced convectionair heaters for use both with and without ducting, and intendedprimarily for space heating applications. It therefore includes airheaters designed to provide make-up air, door curtain heaters, spraybooth heaters, portable air heaters and direct fired air heaters capableof providing full space heating.This standard specifies the requirements for direct gas fired forcedconvection air heaters designed for permanent outdoor installation. Italso specifies the requirements for transportable direct gas fired forcedconvection air heaters.This standard applies to appliances designed to operate on normal lowpressure district supplies of 2nd family gas.For appliances fitted with gas boosters, additional requirements mayapply.