标准号:IS 3521-1989
发布日期:1990/5/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard prescribes the requirements of safety belts and harnesses and their components generally for the following duties:a) Industrial duty in plant and maintenance work while working at higher elevations;b) Construction, erection, installation and such other jobs;c) Mining:i) Repairs to mine shafts, head gears and other places located at higher eleva-tions;ii) Open cast mines, quarries, etc;d) Electrical servicemen and linemen working on general duty or high tension installa-tion poles; installation and maintenance overhand and also for service to outdoor transformers and other similar jobs.e) Men working inside shipholds, tankers, silos, chimneys, manholes, sewers or similar other enclosed spaces; andf) Maintenance of buildings, structures or jobs, such as window cleaning and chimney cleaning.