标准号:IS 5209-1968
发布日期:1969/10/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard recommends the principles and conventions for preparing basic flowsheets for the coal preparation plant, namely, the process flowsheet and the equipment flowsheet.1.2 The two examples of flowsheets shown in this standard illustrate the application of the principles and conventions recommended herein. These two examples may serve as guides, and not as standard format or layout to cover all cases. Detailed flowsheets may be required during negotiation or erection of the plant or to illustrate the water or medium circuit and the quantities of water or medium involved at the several parts of the plant. These have not been considered separately, but it is assumed as far as appropriate the same principles and conventions would be applied.