标准号:DIN EN ISO 15883-6-2011
中文标准名称:清洗消毒器.第6部分:非侵入式,非关键医疗设备和保健设备用的利用热消毒的垫圈-消毒器具的试验和要求(ISO 15883-6-2011).德文版本EN ISO 15883-6-2011
英文标准名称:Washer-disinfectors - Part 6: Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing thermal disinfection for non-invasive, non-critical medical devices and healthcare equipment (ISO 15883-6:2011); German version EN ISO 15883-6:2011
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 15883-1-2006;ISO/TS 15883-5
适用范围:This part of ISO 15883 specifies particular requirements for washer-disinfectors (WDs) intended for use when the level of assurance of disinfection that is necessary can be achieved by cleaning and thermal disinfection (A0 not less than 60) and does not require an independent automated record of critical processes to be kept. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 15883-1, which gives general requirements for WDs.