标准号:BS 7967-5-2010
中文标准名称:住宅和其它楼宇中一氧化碳及燃气设施的燃烧性能.第5部分: 非住宅楼宇中采用便携式电子燃烧气体分析仪测量一氧化碳和二氧化碳及测定燃烧性能的指南
英文标准名称:Carbon monoxide in dwellings and other premises and the combustion performance of gas-fired appliances.Part 5: Guide for using electronic portable combustion gas analysers in non-domestic
premises for the measurement of carbon
monoxide and carbon dioxid
发布日期:2010/9/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/9/30 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 5440-1-2008;BS 6172;BS 7967‑1;BS 7967‑2-2005;BS 7967‑3;BS 7967‑4;BS 8494;BS EN 45544;BS EN 50379-3;GAS SAFE REGISTER. Technical Bulletin 001
适用范围:This standard gives guidance for identifying and investigating spillage,leakage or build‑up of combustion products from gas-fired appliances innon-domestic premises. It gives recommendations for determining thecombustion performance of such equipment, using electronic portablecombustion gas analysers. This involves sampling and measuring thecarbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO