标准号:BS EN 13286-2-2010
英文标准名称:Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test methods for laboratory reference density and water content. Proctor compaction
发布日期:2010/10/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/10/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard specifies test methods for the determination of the relationship between the watercontent and the dry density of hydraulically bound or unbound mixtures after compaction under specified testconditions using Proctor compaction. It allows an estimate of the mixture density that can be achieved onconstruction sites and provides a reference parameter for assessing the density of the compacted layer of themixture.This European Standard applies only to unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures of aggregates used in roadconstruction and civil engineering work. It is not applicable to soils for earthworks. The results of this testmethod can be used as a basis for comparing mixtures before use in road construction. The test results alsoallow a conclusion to be drawn as to the water content at which mixtures can be satisfactorily compacted inorder to achieve a given dry density.This test is suitable for mixtures with different values of upper sieve (D) size up to 63 mm and an oversize upto 25 % by mass.