标准号:BS PD CLC/TR 50485-2010
英文标准名称:Electromagnetic compatibility —
Emission measurements in fully
anechoic chambers
发布日期:2010/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/6/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Report applies to emission measurements of radiated electromagnetic fields in FullyAnechoic Rooms (FAR) in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 18 GHz. This Technical Report covers thefrequency range from 30 MHz – 1 000 MHz. The frequency range above 1 GHz is under consideration,due to the absence of practical experience.This Technical Report describes the validation procedure for the Fully Anechoic Room for radiatedemission tests and the procedures to carry out the tests (e.g. test set up, EUT position, cable layout andtermination, test procedures). Recommendations for the relation between FAR emission limits andcommon Open Area Test Site (OATS) emission limits given in standards such as EN 55011 andEN 55022 are given in Annex B.This FAR emission method may be chosen by product committees as an alternative method to emissionmeasurement on an Open Area Test Site (OATS) as described in CISPR 16 series. In such cases, theproduct committee should also define the appropriate limits. Typical measurement uncertainty values forFARs and OATS are given in Annex C.