标准号:BS EN 60079-29-4-2010
英文标准名称:Explosive atmospheres - Gas detectors - Performance requirements of open path detectors for flammable gases
发布日期:2010/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/7/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60079-29-1;EN 60079;EN 60079-0;EN 60079-29-1;EN 50270;EN 50271
适用范围:This part of EN 60079-29 specifies performance requirements of equipment for the detectionand measuring of flammable gases or vapours in ambient air by measuring the spectralabsorption by the gases or vapours over extended optical paths, ranging typically from onemetre to a few kilometres.Such equipment measures the integral concentration of the absorbing gas over the opticalpath in units such as LFL metre for flammable gases.NOTE 1 Actual values of concentration can be deduced only where it can be established that the concentration isuniform over the optical path, for example in very short optical paths (<100 mm). In such cases, the equipment iswithin the scope of EN 60079-29-1 .NOTE 2 This standard is based upon present absorption techniques using infrared radiation. Other techniquesand applications may require additional test considerations (e.g. pressure test).Equipment falling within the scope of this standard is classified by the following types:Type 1: an optical transmitter and receiver, located at either end of a path through theatmosphere to be monitored.Type 2: an optical transceiver (i.e. combined transmitter and receiver) and a suitablereflector, which may be a topographic feature or a retroreflector, located at either end of apath through the atmosphere to be monitored.This standard is also applicable when an equipment manufacturer makes any claimsregarding any special features of construction or superior performance that exceed theminimum requirements of this standard. All such claims shall be verified and the testprocedures should be extended or supplemented, where necessary, to verify the claimedperformance. The additional tests shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the testlaboratory and identified and described in the test report.This standard does not apply to any of following:a) equipment intended to provide range resolution of gas concentration (e.g. Light directionand ranging (LIDAR));b) equipment consisting of a passive optical receiver without a dedicated optical source;c) equipment intended to measure the local volumetric concentration of gas (point sensors);d) equipment intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air;e) equipment for cross stack monitoring;f) equipment intended for the detection of explosives; andg) equipment intended only for the identification of individual gas or vapour components,(e.g. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)).This standard is applicable to equipment which is intended for use in hazardous or nonhazardousareas, or both. Equipment for use in hazardous areas is also required to haveexplosion protection (see 4.1.1).This standard applies to portable, transportable and fixed equipment intended for commercialand industrial applications.