标准号:DIN EN 61970-404-2008
英文标准名称:Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 404: High Speed Data Access (HSDA) (IEC 61970-404:2007); German version EN 61970-404:2007, text in English
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/2/1 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 61970-1;IEC/TS 61970-2;IEC 61970-301-2005;IEC 61970-401;IEC 61970-402;Data Acquisition from Industria/ Systems section Data Access (DAIS DA), OMG Adopted
Specification Version 1.1, formal/05-06-01 June 2005 (Referred herein as 'OMG DAIS DA');Utility
适用范围:IEC61970-404 is derived from the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Acquisition fromIndustrial Systems section Data Access (DAIS DA) specification. OMG DAIS DA relies on the OMGData Access Facility (DAF) and OPC Data Access (DA) specifications. OMG DAIS DA is a PlatformSpecific Model (PSM) with CORBA as the platform and OPC DA is a PSM with Microsoft COM as theplatform. IEC 61970-404 describes the functionality of these PSMs in a technology independent way(i.e., as a Platform Independent Model (PIM)). Hence it explains the functionality to a level that canbe used to create additional PSMs or act as an introduction to existing PSMs, i.e. DAIS DA and OPCDA. Implementers wanting an introduction to OMG DAIS DA and OPC DA shall read thesedocuments.The HSDA interface is intended to interoperate with other IEC 61970 based interfaces. Hence, it ispossible to use information retrieved from an other interface to access the same information usingthis interface, for example:~ object identifiers,~ attribute names or identifiers,~ class names or identifiers.Subclause 4.6 provides a generic mapping for the CIM classes and attributes.The way data is organized in a server implementing the HSDA interface can be seen by using thebrowse interfaces for data and meta data. It is also possible to use the data access interface directlywithout using the browse interfaces if the client has an a priori knowledge of object, class andattribute identifiers. Object identifiers may be retrieved using data from other interfaces, for examplea CIMXML file or the IEC 61970-403 interface. Information on what classes and attributes areavailable will be described in IEC 61970-45X documents, for example SCADA data, State Estimatorresults etc.IEC61970-1 provides the EMS-APl reference model upon which this standard is based. In thatreference model, the terminology used in This part of IEC 61970 is introduced and the role of theCIS is explained.IEC 61970-401 provides an overview and framework for the CIS (IEC 61970-4XX) standards.The mapping of IEC 61970-404 to implementation specific technologies or PSMs is further describedin a separate series of documents, i.e. the future IEC 61970-5XX. For actual implementations, thefuture IEC 61970-5XX, OMG DAIS DA, OMG DAF or OPC DA are used.