IEC 60079-29-2-2007 爆燃性环境.第29-2部分:气体探测器.易燃气体和氧用探测器的选择、安装、使用和维护

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:IEC 60079-29-2-2007
英文标准名称:Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-2: Gas detectors - Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60050-426;IEC 60079-0;IEC 60079-10;IEC 60079-20;IEC 60079-29-1
适用范围:This part of IEC 60079-29 gives guidance on, and recommended practice for, the selection,installation, safe use and maintenance of electrically operated group II apparatus intended foruse in industrial and commercial safety applications for the detection and measurement offlammable gases complying with the requirements of IEC 60079-29-1.This standard is applicable for oxygen measurement for the purpose of inertisation whereexplosion protection is provided by the exclusion of oxygen instead of measuring thecombustible gases or vapours present.This standard is a compilation of practical knowledge to assist the user, and applies toapparatus, instruments and systems that indicate the presence of a flammable or potentiallyexplosive mixture of gas or vapour with air by using an electrical signal from a gas sensor toproduce a meter reading, to activate a visual or audible pre-set alarm or other device, or anycombination of these.Such apparatus may be used as a means of reducing the risk whenever there is the possibilityof a risk to life or property specifically due to the accumulation of a combustible gas-airmixture, by providing such warnings. It may also be used to initiate specific safety precautions(e.g. plant shutdown, evacuation, fire extinguishing procedures).This standard is applicable to all new permanent installations and, where reasonablypracticable, to existing permanent installations. It is also applicable to temporary installations,whether new or existing.Similarly it is applicable to the safe use of portable or transportable apparatus, irrespective ofthe age or complexity of such apparatus. Since much modern apparatus of this type alsoincludes oxygen deficiency detection and/or specific toxic gas sensors, some additionalguidance is given for these topics.






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