标准号:ANSI INCITS 228-1993
中文标准名称:信息系统.用于带帧中继操作的X.25数据传送阶段(DTP)规程 代替ANSI X3.228-1993 [被代替:ANSI X3.228,ANSI X3.228]
英文标准名称:Information Systems - X.25 Data Transfer Phase (DTP) Procedures for Operation with Frame Relay Replaces ANSI X3.228-1993 [Replaced: ANSI X3.228, ANSI X3.228]
发布日期:1993/8/18 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Describes X.25 Data Transfer Phase (DTP), which facilitates: (a) interworking with X.25/X.31 subnetworks; and (b) provision of the data-transfer aspects of the OSI CONS in the frame relay end points (terminals).