标准号:SIS SS 03 08 06-1984
英文标准名称:Printing specifications for optical character recognition
发布日期:1984/4/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard contains the basic definitions, measurement requirements, specifications and recommendations for OCR paper and print.Three major parameters of a printed document for OCR media are covered. These are :— the optical properties of the paper to be used;— the optical and dimensional properties of the ink patterns forming OCR characters;— the basic requirements related to the position of OCR characters on the paper.The major factors of each of these areas pertinent to OCR are identified. Definitions of these items are given and bases for measurements are established.Basic specifications applicable to all OCR materials are imposed and recommendations for the implementation of an OCR system are made.