标准号:ISO 1875-1982
中文标准名称:塑料 增塑的乙酸纤维素 乙醚萃取物测定
英文标准名称:Plastics; Plasticized cellulose acetate; Determination of matter extractable by diethyl ether
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:The determination method applies to plasticized cellulose acetate in any form, such as moulding material, sheet, manufactured articles. Conversion of the plastizised sample to a film, prepared by dissolving and casting, and subsequent extraction by ethylether in a Soxhlet apparatus. Removal of the ether by heating under vacuum and weighing the residual matter.