
百检网 2021-12-14
     中国百检网棉花网纽约9月9日讯 - 洲际交易所(ICE)期棉周二续涨,两日升幅为两周半*大,因投资人担心短期供应吃紧,抵消对又一年产量过剩的预期。


    在尾盘买盘的带动下,期棉表现超过汤森路透/核心商品CRB指数 ,该指数触及七个月低点,其19种成分商品中多数下滑。


    “在报告发布前有一些空头回补,”KCG Futures棉花专家Sharon Johnson表示。

    交易所数据显示,未平仓合约总量在过去三个交易日增加,周一升至两个月*高的152 0173 3840,339口。



Chinese downwind cotton net New York on September 9th News - Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) cotton futures Tuesday continued to rise, two days in two and a half weeks maximum, as investors worried that the short-term supply tight, offset to another year of excess production capacity is expected to.

Trading ICE-12 cotton contract the most active closed up 0.74 cents, or 1.1%, at 65.79 cents a pound.

In late buying driven, cotton futures outperformed the Thomson Reuters / core of CRB index, the index hit a seven month low, its 19 components of commodities most decline.

Traders await American USDA supply and demand report to be released Thursday, the market is generally expected to slightly lower estimates American cotton yield.

"In the release of the report there are some short covering," KCG Futures cotton expert Sharon Johnson said.

Exchange data show, the total outstanding contracts in the last three trading days, Monday rose to a two month high of 152 0173 3840339.

According to exchange data, ICE stocks continue to decline, to the lowest level since January, Monday to 59560 packs, 63238 packs before.






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