In August 28th, the southwest monsoon is active in India Karnataka Pradesh and Maharashtra, Ande, rainfall mainly in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, Ande, Tamil nadu. On that day, India national total rainfall than the long-term average reduction of 18%, the central area is reduced by 16%, 33% reduction in gujarat. The next few days of rainfall will focus on the peninsula, including Gujarat Maharashtra pull and Kutch county county.Cotton B2B e-commerce platform trading cotton cotton net with customer service telephone: 0531-6232 9777
8月28日,西南季风活跃在印度卡纳塔卡邦,安德拉邦和马哈拉施特拉邦,降雨主要在喀拉拉邦,中央邦,安德拉邦,泰米尔纳德邦和古吉拉特邦。截至当日, 印度全国降雨总量较长期平均减少18%,中部地区减少16%,古吉拉特邦减少33%。未来几天降雨将集中在半岛地区,包括古吉拉特邦的骚拉施特拉县和喀奇 县。