BS PAS 124-2011 定义,实施和管理网站政策和标准.实施规程

百检网 2021-07-14
标准号:BS PAS 124-2011
英文标准名称:Defining, implementing and managing website policies and standards. Code of practice
发布日期:2011/3/22 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/3/22 12:00:00
适用范围:This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) providesrecommendations for defining, implementing andmanaging website policies and standards.This PAS is applicable to all types of organization(including public and private companies, non-profitorganizations, government departments, local councils,public sector organizations and academic institutions).NOTE Although the guidance contained in this PAS isrelevant to any organization with a website (includingpublic websites, intranets or extranets), the scope ofthe recommendations are most directly applicable toorganizations with enterprise-scale websites.This PAS is for use by:? organizations considering, planning, or in the processof developing, website policies and standards;? organizations with existing website policies andstandards wishing to align themselves with bestpractice methodologies;? organizations looking to improve or articulate theirwebsite governance structure and process.This PAS can be used by anyone who manages or hasresponsibility for a website. This could include:? global communications teams;? marketing teams;? corporate communications teams;? brand guardians;? website managers;? external agencies responsible for defining and/ormanaging website policies and standards;? IT managers, especially those involved in setting upa content management system (CMS);? legal/compliance/IT risk teams.This PAS is intended to be independent of theunderlying publication platforms and technologiesused in the creation of websites. It can therefore beused to inform the definition and deployment ofwebsite policies and standards for all types of websiteincluding: static websites, dynamic websites, webportals, mobile websites, e-commerce websites andcontent published by organizations on external sites,such as social media sites.This PAS does not cover website policies and standardsfor the following types of web-based services andapplications: “software-as-a-service”/cloud computingservices, virtual learning environments and internetenabled“widgets” and applications (e.g. mobileapplications).This PAS does not cover the following types of technicalstandards: infrastructure standards (e.g. connectivity,performance and availability), security standards, codestandards or the use of semantic web technologies.






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