DIN EN ISO 17510-1-2009 睡眠窒息呼吸治疗.第1部分:睡眠窒息呼吸治疗设备(ISO 17510-1:2007),英文版本 DIN EN ISO 17510-1:2009-07

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DIN EN ISO 17510-1-2009
中文标准名称:睡眠窒息呼吸治疗.第1部分:睡眠窒息呼吸治疗设备(ISO 17510-1:2007),英文版本 DIN EN ISO 17510-1:2009-07
英文标准名称:Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - Part 1: Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment (ISO 17510-1:2007); English version of DIN EN ISO 17510-1:2009-07
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/7/1 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 32;ISO 3744-1994;ISO 4135-2001;ISO 4871;ISO 5356-1;ISO 5356-2;ISO 5359;ISO 8185-2007;ISO 9170-1;ISO 11135;ISO 11137;ISO 14937;ISO 14971-2007;ISO 15223-1-2007;ISO/TR 16142-2006;ISO 17510-2-2007;ISO 17664-2004;ISO 17665;ISO 23328-1;ISO 23328-2;IEC 60529
适用范围:IEC 60601-1:1988, Clause 1 applies, except as follows.Amendment (add at the end of the Subclause 1.1):This part of ISO 17510 specifies requirements for equipment intended for sleep apnoea breathing therapy fordomiciliary use, ships, aircraft and other transport vehicles and for use in healthcare institutions.This part of ISO 17510 applies to equipment intended for use with adults and children, and excludesequipment intended for use with neonates.Jet and very high frequency ventilation and oscillation are not considered in this part of ISO 17510.This part of ISO 17510 does not apply to equipment covered by the scope of the ISO 10651 series, including:-- ISO 10651-2:2004;-- ISO 10651-3:1997;-- ISO 10651-4:2002;-- ISO 10651-5:2006;-- ISO 10651-6:2004.This part of ISO 17510 does not apply to equipment covered by the scope of IEC 60601-2-12.ISO 17510 covers sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment for patient use. ISO 17510-2 applies to masksand accessories used to connect sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment to the patient. See alsoFigure AA.I.






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