BS EN 15268-2008 加油站.潜水泵组件的结构安全要求

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:BS EN 15268-2008
英文标准名称:Petrol filling stations - Safety requirements for the construction of submersible pump assemblies
发布日期:2009/1/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/1/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 228;EN 590;EN 13463-1-2001;EN 13463-6;EN 13617-1-2004;prEN 50495-2006;EN 60034-1;EN 60079-0;EN 60079-7;EN 60079-14;EN 60079-15-2005;EN 60079-26;EN 60204-1-2006;EN ISO 12100-1-2003;EN ISO 12100-2-2003;ISO 1817;HD 21.13 S1;HD 22.4 S4
适用范围:This European Standard applies to submersible pump assemblies intended for use with dispensers installedat petrol filling stations and used to dispense liquid fuels in accordance with EN 228 and EN 590 into tanks ofmotor vehicles, light aircrafts, boats and portable containers. The submersible pump assemblies are intendedfor use and storage at ambient temperatures between –20 °C and +40 °C.Additional measures can be required for use and storage at temperatures outside this range and are subjectto negotiation between the manufacturer and purchaser.This European Standard specifies requirements for equipment with a maximum working pressure notexceeding 350 kPa (3,5 bar), power consumption not exceeding 7 KW and a maximum power supply voltageof 500 V.This European Standard specifies requirements for submersible pump assemblies of classes IIA T3(explosion group IIA and temperature class T3) and IIB T4 (explosion group IIB and temperature class T4)using liquid fuels.This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant tosubmersible pump assemblies, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which arereasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).This European Standard specifies safety requirements for design, installation, commissioning, use andmaintenance.Noise is not considered a significant hazard for the equipment in the scope of this European Standard.This European Standard does not cover requirements for mobile equipment.NOTE 1 For other fuels than those in accordance with EN 228 and EN 590 a manufacturer should consider the needfor extra measures (dealing with possible additional or different hazards).NOTE 2 This European Standard does not include any requirements for metering performance such as may bespecified for the EU under the Measuring Instruments Directive nor those specified under the ElectromagneticCompatibility Directive.NOTE 3 Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is not a liquid in the sense of this document.This European Standard is not applicable to submersible pump assemblies that are manufactured before thedate of its publication as EN.






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