IEC 60846-2-2007 辐射防护仪表.β,X和γ辐射周围和/或定向剂量当量(率)仪和/或监测仪.第2部分:紧急情况放射线防护目的用的便携式高射程β,光子剂量

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:IEC 60846-2-2007
英文标准名称:Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation - Part 2: High range beta and photon dose and dose rate portable instruments for emergency radiation protection
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60325-2002;IEC 60846-2002
适用范围:This part of the IEC 60846 series applies to pertable or transportable dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for the measurement of ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate)form external beta, X and gamma radiation during emergency situations.It applies directly to dose equivalent (rate)meters intended for the determination of the dose equivalent or dose equivalent rate form external beta and/or X and gamma radiation of energies up to 10 MeV during emergency situations.This part of the IEC 60846 series dose not specify which instruments are required nor does it comsider the munbers or specific locations of such instruments. This part of the IEC 60846 series dose not identify instrumentation for specific types of accicents.It is essential that the rated randes of the instruments and the radiological and non-radiological conditions for which the instruments are designed adequately cover the accident and post-accident conditions as determined by accident analysis and/or specified by appropriate regulatory authorities or qulaified individuals. It is expected that accidents will involve both dose quivalent (rate) and environmental extremes.Specitications for instruments for measuring dise equicalent rates less than the minimum detectable dose rate level specified in this part of the IEC 60846 series are contained in IEC 60846:2002. Where such instruments are also to be uesd for emergency measurements, they shall also meet the requirements of this part of the IEC 60846 series.Although this part of the IEC 60846 series specifies therequirements for instruments primarily for emergency use,such instruments may also be used for on-site measurements at other times. If the instrumnent hes a remote detector and if an additional detector is procided in the measuring assembly to measure dose equivalent rate at the location of the operator, the requirements shall apply to both of the detectors.






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