DD CEN/TS 14014-2006
百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DD CEN/TS 14014-2006
英文标准名称:Postal services - Hybrid Mail - XML definition of encapsulation of letters for automated postal handling
发布日期:2006/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/6/30 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO/IEC 10646
适用范围:The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define the syntax rules for a data stream for the submissionof printing data to a Hybrid Mail operator or between Hybrid Mail operators. The Technical Specificationdefines a XML Schema Definition (XSD) describing the data stream.The description is based upon the XML (eXtended Mark-up Language) definition of rules and semantics fordefining an XSD. The purpose of this is to offer a generalised syntax description that can provide seamlessintegration with a number of existing applications generating data that is liable to be forwarded to or from aHybrid Mail operator.The use of an XSD will ensure that the documents confirm to the standard defined and that the output has thecorrect syntax. Software manufacturers can use an XSD to program applications that will produce “correct”outputs.This Technical Specification defines the syntax for creating a data stream that will eventually be converted intoa deliverable. The overall object (a batch) can be divided into one or more objects that again can be dividedinto objects. The hierarchy includes bundles that contains a common part and letters. Each object has anumber of characteristics attached to it.This diagram shows the structure of a HML (Hybrid Mail Language) document: each letter is self-contained(contains all the necessary information to be delivered on a certain destination).
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