DD CEN/TS 15213-4-2006
百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DD CEN/TS 15213-4-2006
英文标准名称:Road transport and traffic telematics — After-theft systems for
the recovery of stolen vehicles — Part 4: Interface and system
requirements for long range communication
发布日期:2006/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:CEN/TS 15213-1-2005;CEN/TS 15213-3-2006
适用范围:This Technical Specification specifies the characteristics required to operate the Long Range ATSVRArchitecture.An ATSVR consists of various elements that communicate and interact through a range of interfaces inaccordance with standard procedures and protocols in order to facilitate the recovery of stolen vehicles.These processes may involve a human operator.ATSVR elements include an OBE installed in the vehicles, a range of Detecting Equipment and one or moreSystem Operating Centres. One or more supporting Infrastructure Networks provide communications tosupport the ATSVR. The ATSVR location function may also include one or more supporting PositionReference Sources.The LR systems use an interface that allows the Detection Equipment to operate some ATSVR Functions atdistances greater than the direct line of sight. These LR systems are generally operated with ATSVR LocationFunctions using long-range communications.This Technical Specification permits existing proprietary systems to operate using these interfacespecifications at ATSVR application level.The main subject areas are: Definition of classes and categories. Interoperability and compatibility of systems at: Functional level; Information level; Performance level; Identification of communications supporting infrastructures. Specification of compatible interfaces for ATSVR applications. Restriction of specifications to: Application level; Operating level; User level.
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