DIN EN 1998-6-2006 欧洲法规8:防地震结构设计.第6部分:塔、杆和烟囱.德文版本EN 1998-6-2005
百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DIN EN 1998-6-2006
中文标准名称:欧洲法规8:防地震结构设计.第6部分:塔、杆和烟囱.德文版本EN 1998-6-2005
英文标准名称:Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 6: Towers, masts and chimneys; English version of DIN EN 1998-6:2006-03
发布日期:2006/3/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1990;EN 1992-1-1;EN 1992-1-2;EN 1993-1-1;EN 1993-1-2;EN 1993-1-4;EN 1993-1-5;EN 1993-1-6;EN 1993-1-8;EN 1993-1-10;EN 1993-1-11;EN 1993-3-1;EN 1993-3-2;EN 1994-1-1;EN 1994-1-2;EN 1998-1;EN 1998-5;EN 1998-2;EN 13084-2;EN 13084-7
适用范围:(1)The scope of Eurocode 8 is defined in EN 1998-1:2004, 1.1.1 and the scope ofthis Standard is defined in (2) to (4). Additional parts of Eurocode 8 are indicated in EN1998-1:2004, 1.1.3.(2)EN 1998-6 establishes requirements, criteria, and rules for the design of tallslender structures: towers, including bell-towers, intake towers, radio and TV-towers,masts, chimneys (including free-standing industrial chimneys) and lighthouses.Additional provisions specific to reinforced concrete and to steel chimneys are given inSections 5 and 6, respectively. Additional provisions specific to steel towers and to steelguyed masts are given in Sections 7 and 8, respectively. Requirements are also given fornon-structural elements, such as antennae, the liner material of chimneys and otherequipment. NOTE 1 Informative Annex A provides guidance and information for linear dynamic analysis accounting for rotational components of the ground motion. NOTE 2 Informative Annex B provides information and guidance on modal damping in modal response spectrum analysis. NOTE 3 Informative Annex C provides information on soil-structure interaction and guidance for accounting for it in linear dynamic analysis. NOTE 4 Informative Annex D provides supplementary information and guidance on the number of degrees of freedom and the number of modes of vibration to be taken into account in the analysis. NOTE 5 Informative Annex E gives information and guidance for the seismic design of Masonry chimneys. NOTE 6 Informative Annex F gives supplementary information for the seismic performance and design of electrical transmission towers.(3)The present provisions do not apply to cooling towers and offshore structures.(4) For towers supporting tanks, EN 1998-4 applies.
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