SIS SS-ISO 5963-1987 文件处理.检查文件,确定主题及选择检索术语方法
百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:SIS SS-ISO 5963-1987
英文标准名称:Documentation - Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing terms
发布日期:1987/4/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1 This International Standard describes recommended pro-cedures for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting appropriate indexing terms. It is restricted to these preliminary stages of indexing, and does not deal with the practices of any particular kind of indexing system, whether pre-coordinated or post-coordinated. It also describes general techniques for document analysis which should apply in all indexing situations. These methods are, however, especially intended for indexing systems in which the subjects of documents are expressed in summary form, and where con-cepts are recorded in the terms of a controlled indexing language. In this context, a controlled language usually refers to a subset of terms selected from natural language, and regulated, for example, by a thesaurus. These methods would apply, however, to systems in which concepts are represented for retrieval purposes by symbols chosen from the schedules of a classification scheme.2 The techniques described in this International Standard can be employed by any agency in which human indexers analyse the subjects of documents and express these subjects in indexing terms. They do not apply to agencies which employ those automatic indexing techniques in which terms occurring in texts are organized into sets or classes according to criteria which can be established by a computer, for example fre-quency of occurrence and/or adjacency in the text, although the aims of these systems are the same.3 This International Standard is intended primarily as a guide to indexers during the stages of document analysis and concept identification. It may also be helpful for the analysis of users' enquiries and their translation, for retrieval purposes, into the controlled terms of an indexing language, and it could function as guidance to abstractors during the preparation of abstracts. It should be borne in mind, however, that although these tasks are analogous they are not identical.4 This International Standard is intended to promote standard practicea) within an agency or network of agencies;b) between different indexing agencies, especially those which exchange bibliographic records.
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