IS 10661-1983
百检网 2021-07-17
标准号:IS 10661-1983
发布日期:1984/5/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Covers the design, materials, construction practices and workmanship, performance requirements, inspection and testing of fibreglass reinforced polyester tanks for use in chemical environments, manufactured by hand lay up or contact pressure moulding or filament winding process. It also includes the construction with or without an inner lining of thermoplastics.1.1 This standard is applicable only to tanks subjected to all of the following conditions:a) Own hydrostatic head of liquid contents,b) Freely vented to atmosphere,c) Above ground,d) Cylindrical, ande) Vertical or horizontal.1.2 It does not apply to tanks which are subjected to any of the following:a) Internal pressure,b) Vacuum, andc) Liquids heated above their flash points.1.3 The nominal service temperature is 0 to 60°C. However, service temperatures above 60°C and below 0°C may be allowed by supplier - purchaser agreement.1.4 This standard also does not apply to jacketed tanks and tanks used for transport of liquids or gases.1.5 This standard covers glass fibre reinforced tanks for chemical service and is not intended to cover selection of exact resin matrix or glass reinforcement combination for use under specific chemical and structural conditions.
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