DIN EN ISO 9241-20-2009 人-系统互动人类工程学.第20部分:信息/通信技术(ICT)设备和服务简易指南(ISO 9241-20:2008),DIN EN ISO 9241-20

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:DIN EN ISO 9241-20-2009
中文标准名称:人-系统互动人类工程学.第20部分:信息/通信技术(ICT)设备和服务简易指南(ISO 9241-20:2008),DIN EN ISO 9241-20:2009-08的英文版本
英文标准名称:Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 20: Accessibility guidelines for information/communication technology (ICT) equipment and services (ISO 9241-20:2008); English version of DIN EN ISO 9241-20:2009-08
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 9241-5;ISO 9241-11-1998;ISO 9241-12;ISO 9241-13;ISO 9241-14;ISO 9241-15;ISO 9241-16;ISO 9241-17;ISO 9241-110-2006;ISO 9241-151;ISO 9241-171;ISO 9241-300;ISO 9241-302;ISO 9241-410;ISO 13407-1999;ISO 14915
适用范围:This part of ISO 9241 is intended for use by those responsible for planning, designing, developing, acquiring,and evaluating information/communication technology (ICT) equipment and services. It provides guidelines forimproving the accessibility of ICT equipment and services such that they will have wider accessibility for useat work, in the home, and in mobile and public environments. It covers issues associated with the design ofequipment and services for people with a wide range of sensory, physical and cognitive abilities, includingthose who are temporarily disabled, and the elderly.A detailed design for particular equipment or a service can be developed based on its recommendations. If aspecific detailed standard exists concerning the accessibility of equipment or services, then it can be used inconjunction with that more specific standard. Where such standards are not available, this part of ISO 9241can then form the basis for the design of the accessibility features of ICT equipment and services.It also provides general guidelines for acquiring and evaluating ICT equipment and services, including bothhardware and software aspects of information processing equipment, electronic communication facilities,office machines, and other similar technologies and services, used at work, in the home, and in mobile andpublic environments.In addition, it gives important information about context of use. Accessibility is increased by expanding therange of contexts where equipment and services can be used. Context of use can result from the variouscomponents of the equipment or service, including user, task and equipment (hardware, software andmaterials) characteristics, as well as those of physical and social environments. Context of use can beconsidered when planning, designing, developing, acquiring and evaluating ICT equipment and services.NOTE This part of ISO 9241 is a high-level standard applicable to all ICT equipment and services, therefore, detaileddescriptions specific to equipment or services have been avoided. It can be referred to for the prevention of barriers totrade or the movement of people in respect of each national, regional and international standardization activity in this area.More specific recommendations on software accessibility are contained in ISO 9241-171.






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