IEC 61290-11-1-2008 光学放大器.试验方法.第11-1部分:偏振模式分散参数.琼斯矩阵特征分析法(JME)

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:IEC 61290-11-1-2008
英文标准名称:Optical amplifier - Test methods - Part 11-1: Polarization mode dispersion parameter - Jones matrix eigenanalysis (JME)
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC/TR 61282-9;IEC/TR 61292-5
适用范围:This part of IEC 61290 applies to all commercially available optical amplifiers (OAs), includingoptical fibre amplifiers (OFAs) using active fibres, semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs),and planar waveguide optical amplifiers (PWOAs).Polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) causes an optical pulse to spread in the time domain.This dispersion could impair the performance of a telecommunications system. The effect canbe related to differential group velocity and corresponding arrival times of differentpolarization components of the signal. For a narrowband source, the effect can be related toa differential group delay (DGD) between pairs of orthogonally polarized principal statesof polarization (PSP). Other information about PMD may be found in IEC 61282-9 in generaland in IEC 61292-5 on OAs in particular.This test method describes a procedure for measuring the PMD of OAs. The measurementresult is obtained from the measurement of the normalized Stokes parameters at two closelyspaced wavelengths.The test method described herein requires a polarized signal at the input of the polarimeterwith a degree of polarization (DOP) of at least 25 %. Although the test source is highlypolarized, the DOP at the output of the OA is reduced by amplified spontaneous emission(ASE). Annex A analyses the impact of ASE on the DOP. In order to assure an accuratemeasurement, the DOP is measured as part of the measurement procedure.The method described herein has been shown to be immune to polarization-dependent gain(PDG) and polarization dependent loss (PDL) up to approximately 1 dB.Although the Jones matrix eigenanalysis (JME) test method is in principle also applicable tounpumped (that is, unpowered) OAs, the JME technique in this standard applies to pumped(that is, powered) OAs only.






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