ISO 10308-2006 金属覆盖层.孔隙率试验评述

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:ISO 10308-2006
英文标准名称:Metallic coatings - Review of porosity tests
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard reviews published methods for revealing pores (see ISO 2080) and discontinuitiesin coatings of aluminium, anodized aluminium, brass, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, indium, lead,nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-cobalt, nickel-iron, nickel-phosphorus, palladium, platinum, vitreous or porcelainenamel, rhodium, silver, tin, tin-lead, tin-nickel, tin-zinc, zinc and chromate or phosphate conversion coatings(including associated organic films) on aluminium, beryllium-copper, brass, copper, iron, NiFeCo alloys,magnesium, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-phosphorus, phosphor-bronze, silver, steel, tin-nickel and zinc alloybasis metal.The tests summarized in this International Standard are designed to react with the substrate when exposed,by a discontinuity, in such a way as to form an observable reaction product.NOTE 1 Pores are usually perpendicular to the coating surface but may be inclined to the coating surface. They arefrequently cylindrical in shape but may also assume a twisted shape (see Annex C).NOTE 2 Porosity may vary in size from the submicroscopic, invisible using a light microscope, to the microscopic,visible from × 10 to × 1 000, to the macroscopic, visible to the naked eye.NOTE 3 Porosity may be visibly indicated by discolouration of the coated surface.NOTE 4 Porosity in a coating is not always detrimental. In microdiscontinuous chromium, for example, porosity ormicrocracking is beneficial and tests are conducted to indicate the pores.NOTE 5 Results obtained from porosity tests, expressed in terms such as pores per square centimeter, are relativevalues associated with the specific test method used and the magnification used during examination. Annex B givestypical report criteria.






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