BS 1427-2009 水分析用现场试验方法指南

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:BS 1427-2009
英文标准名称:Guide to on-site test methods for the analysis of waters
发布日期:2008/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/1/1 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 1704-1985/ISO 1770-1981;BS 2586;BS ENI SO 3696-1995
适用范围:This British Standard describes information and guidance on testmethods for the analysis of industrial and other waters which areapplicable outside of a conventional laboratory as either in situon‑site tests; or the use of a close suitable designated room/areatesting facility. For some tests this could include dedicated spacein a designated vehicle or caravan. These test methods can relateto compliance, water quality and process control purposes. Norecommendation is given as to which test is applicable to a particulartype of water, nor is it implied that in any given case all tests or anyparticular suite of tests are necessary. The selection of tests depends onlocal requirements and conditions. Samples requiring preservation forsubsequent analysis are outside of the scope of this British Standard.Certain tests such as adsorbable organic halides (AOX), chemicaloxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogenneed a suitable designated test room/area facility and are notconsidered suitable for testing outside of these designated areas.Sample stability is not considered to be a significant problem as mosttest-kit measurements are carried out with minimal delay.Most of the methods described in this standard can be applicable foruse on clean or lightly polluted waters which might have undergonetreatment or been modified for industrial use. Typically, the types ofwaters for which the tests are intended include the following:a) boiler waters;b) cooling waters;c) waters from hot water systems;d) waters from air conditioning systems;e) waters from industrial air washing systems;f) potable waters;g) ground waters;h) surface waters;i) process waters; andj) swimming pool waters.Certain more heavily polluted waters can be routinely tested forcertain control purposes for specific determinands using the testmethods cited in this British Standard. Such waters include:1) sewage works influents and effluents;2) selected industrial effluents.Emergency screening analysis for major pollution incidents is notcovered (see commentary).The on‑site methods outlined in this British Standard includetitrimetric, colorimetric and instrumental analytical techniques andalso includes consideration of commercial test-kits: their generalprinciples and formats available. It is generally accepted that in theUK, the vast majority of on‑site measurements are carried out usingcommercial test-kits rather than user-devised test-kit type methodsfollowing similar equivalent method procedures to those used inconventional laboratories. Also the designated room/area testingfacility titrimetric methods described in Section 4 of this standardmight require staff with a greater degree of training than commercialtest-kit titrimetric methods which can be readily used outside of theseareas. These methods are less likely to be used by non‑analysts thanthe more robust test-kit titrimetric methods.The technique used and principle of the designated room/area testingfacility titrimetric method are described within each test method andeach method is self‑contained within a standard format.This British Standard does not apply to radioactivity, ecotoxicity (SeePersoone et al., 2000 [4]) or microbiological testing. Spot tests are notcovered (Jungris, 1997 [5]).Many of the relevant methods are suitable for analysis for the waterframework directive (see Note and SWIFT 2003 [6]), water for humanconsumption (see Note) and for monitoring of discharges to waterand sewer (EA, 2006 [7] and Dixon and Gardner, 1997 [8]).






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