BS EN 61019-2-2005 表面声波谐振器.使用指南
百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:BS EN 61019-2-2005
英文标准名称:Surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators. Guide to the use
发布日期:2005/10/17 12:00:00
实施日期:2005/10/17 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 61019-1-2004;IEC 61019-3-1991
适用范围:SAW resonators are now widely used in a variety of applications: VCR RF-converters, CATVlocal oscillators, measuring equipment, remote control and so on. While SAW resonators arealso applied to narrow bandwidth filters, the scope of this part of IEC 61019 is limited to SAWresonators for oscillator applicationsIt is not the aim of this guide to explain theory, nor to attempt to cover all the eventualitieswhich may arise in practical circumstances. This guide draws attention to some of the morefundamental questions, which should be considered by the user before he places an order fora SAW resonator for a new application. Such a procedure will be the user's insurance againstunsatisfactory performance.Standard specifications, such as those of the IEC of which this guide forms a part, andnational specifications or detail specifications issued by manufacturers, will define theavailable combinations of resonance frequency, quality factor, motional resistance, parallelcapacitance, etc. These specifications are compiled to include a wide range of SAWresonators with standardized performances. It cannot be over-emphasized that the usershould, wherever possible, select his SAW resonators from these specifications, whenavailable, even if it may lead to making small modifications to his circuit to enable the use ofstandard resonators. This applies particularly to the selection of the nominal frequency.
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