BS EN 1995-1-1-2004+A1-2008 欧洲法规5.木结构的设计.总则.通用规则和建筑物用规则
百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:BS EN 1995-1-1-2004+A1-2008
英文标准名称:Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures - Part 1-1: General — Common rules and
rules for buildings
发布日期:2004/12/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2004/12/15 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 2081;ISO 2631-2-1989;EN 300;EN 301;EN 312;EN 335-1;EN 335-2;EN 335-3;EN 350-2;EN 351-1;EN 383;EN 385;EN 387;EN 409;EN 460;EN 594;EN 622-3;EN 622-4;EN 622-5;EN 636;EN 912;EN 1075;EN 1380;EN 1381;EN 1382;EN 1383;EN 1990-2002;EN 1991-1-1;EN 1991-1-3;EN 1
适用范围:1)P EN 1995 applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering works in timber (solidtimber, sawn, planed or in pole form, glued laminated timber or wood-based structural products,e.g. LVL) or wood-based panels jointed together with adhesives or mechanical fasteners. Itcomplies with the principles and requirements for the safety and serviceability of structures andthe basis of design and verification given in EN 1990:2002.(2)P EN 1995 is only concerned with requirements for mechanical resistance, serviceability,durability and fire resistance of timber structures. Other requirements, e.g concerning thermal orsound insulation, are not considered.(3) EN 1995 is intended to be used in conjunction with:EN 1990:2002 Eurocode – Basis of designEN 1991 “Actions on structures”EN´s for construction products relevant to timber structuresEN 1998 “Design of structures for earthquake resistance”, when timber structures are built inseismic regions(4) EN 1995 is subdivided into various parts:EN 1995-1 GeneralEN 1995-2 Bridges(5) EN 1995-1 “General” comprises:EN 1995-1-1 General – Common rules and rules for buildingsEN 1995-1-2 General rules – Structural Fire Design(6) EN 1995-2 refers to the common rules in EN 1995-1-1. The clauses in EN 1995-2supplement the clauses in EN 1995-1.
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