DIN EN 10298-2005 岸上和海底管路用钢管和管件.水泥灰浆内衬.德文版本EN 10298-2005

百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:DIN EN 10298-2005
中文标准名称:岸上和海底管路用钢管和管件.水泥灰浆内衬.德文版本EN 10298-2005
英文标准名称:Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines - Internal lining with cement mortar; English version of DIN EN 10298:2005
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 196-1;EN 197-1;EN 1744-1;ISO 565;ISO 2591-1;ISO 3310-1
适用范围:This European Standard specifies requirements for cement mortar linings for protecting the internal surface of steeltubes and pipeline components. It also specifies requirements for their application. It is applicable to the linings oftubes that have been welded longitudinally or spirally, seamless tubes and non-alloy steel components used forfluid transportation. This European Standard does not cover in situ applied or rehabilitation linings.This type of lining is used in particular in the transport and distribution, under pressure or by gravity, of waterintended for human consumption and industrial use, and also in fire extinguishing and waste water systems. Thetemperature of the water transported should not exceed 50 ~C. Higher working temperature can be used byagreement of the parties.The constituent materials of cement mortar lining, when used under the conditions for which they are designed, inpermanent or temporary contact with water intended for human consumption, shall not change the quality of thatwater to such an extent that it fails to comply with the requirements of European regulations. For this purpose,reference shall be made to the relevant national standards transposing EN standards when available, dealing withthe influence of materials on water quality.






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