ISO/TR 8550-1-2007 不连续性项目批量检验用验收取样系统选择和使用指南.第1部分:验收取样
百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:ISO/TR 8550-1-2007
英文标准名称:Guidance on the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots - Part 1: Acceptance sampling
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO/TR 8550 gives general guidance on the selection of an acceptance sampling system, schemeor plan. It does this principally in the context of standards that either already exist or are presently underdevelopment. (For more detailed information about specific acceptance sampling systems, seeISO/TR 8550-2 for sampling by attributes or ISO/TR 8550-3 for sampling by variables.)The guidance in this part of ISO/TR 8550 is confined to acceptance sampling of products that are supplied inlots and that can be classified as consisting of discrete items (i.e. discrete articles of product). It is assumedthat each item in a lot can be identified and segregated from the other items in the lot and has an equalchance of being included in the sample. Each item of product is countable and has specific characteristics thatare measurable or classifiable as being conforming or nonconforming (to a given product specification).Standards on acceptance sampling are typically generic, as a result of which they can be applied to a widevariety of inspection situations. These include, but are not limited to, the following:a) end items, such as complete products or sub-assemblies;b) components and raw materials;c) services;d) materials in process;e) supplies in storage;f) maintenance operations;g) data or records;h) administrative procedures.Although this part of ISO/TR 8550 is written principally in terms of manufacture and production, this should beinterpreted liberally, as it is applicable to the selection of sampling systems, schemes and plans for all types ofproducts and processes as defined in ISO 9000.
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