DIN EN 14470-2-2006 防火存储柜.第2部分:增压气瓶的安全柜
百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:DIN EN 14470-2-2006
英文标准名称:Fire safety storage cabinets - Part 2: Safety cabinets for pressurised gas cylinders; English version of DIN EN 14470-2:2006-11
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/11/1 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1363-1-1999;EN ISO 13943-2000;ISO 3864
适用范围:This European Standard is a product specification, giving performance requirements for fire safety cabinets used for storing pressurised gas cylinders. It is applicable to cabinets with a total internal volume suitable to store pressurised gas cylinders with a total volume not exceeding 220 l, including cylinders of purging gases.NOTE 1 This means that up to four gas cylinders of 50 l or up to three gas cylinders of 70 l can be stored in a single cabinet.NOTE 2 It is intended that the pressurised gas cylinders can be in use while in the cabinet.NOTE 3 Attention is drawn to national regulations which can apply with regard to the storage and use of pressurised gas cylinders.NOTE 4 The sagety cabinet can be free standing, restrained to a wall or mounted on wheels or castors.This standard is not applicable to brick enclosure, walk-in storage rooms or cabinets which do not take their weight on their base.Requirements are given in respect to the construction of the cabinet and its capacity to resist fire conditions on the outside. A type test is included, which is based on the already existing fire resistance (heating curve) tests given in EN 14470-1.The tests described in this European Standard are type tests (for the storage of flammable liquids EN 14470-1 is applicable - the criteria for failure are different - see Annex A).
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