DIN EN 13648-1-2009 低温容器.过压保护用安全装置.第1部分:低温设施用安全阀

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:DIN EN 13648-1-2009
英文标准名称:Cryogenic vessels - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 1: Safety valves for cryogenic service; English version of DIN EN 13648-1:2009-02
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1252-1;EN 1252-2;EN 1797;EN 12300;EN ISO 4126-1-2004;EN ISO 4126-4-2004
适用范围:This European Standard specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of safety valves forcryogenic service, that is to say for operation with cryogenic fluids (as defined in EN 1251-1) below -10 ~C inaddition to operation at ambient temperature. It is a requirement of this European Standard that the valves complywith EN ISO 4126-1 or EN ISO 4126-4. In the event of different requirements, the requirements for cryogenicservice are applied.NOTE 1 A cryogenic fluid (refrigerated liquefied gas) is a gas which is partially liquid because of its low temperature(including totally evaporated liquids and supercritical fluids).This European Standard is restricted to valves not exceeding a size of DN 100 for category B. The valves ofcategory A are limited to DN 25 and set pressures up to 40 bars. Both categories are designed to relieve singlephase vapours or gases. A valve can be specified, constructed and tested such that it is suitable for use with morethan one gas or with mixtures of gases.NOTE 2 All safety valves covered in this European Standard correspond to category IV of PED (Directive 97/23/EC) andcategory 3 of TPED (Directive 99/36/EC).NOTE 3 This European Standard does not provide methods for determining the capacity of relief valve(s) for a particularcryogenic vessel. Such methods are provided in EN 13648-3.






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