BS 1726-1-2010 用圆形线材和棒材制的圆柱形螺旋弹簧.BS EN 15800标准没有包括的热盘管弹簧和冷盘管弹簧,与一般弹簧的规格和公差的试验方法指南.压缩弹簧

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS 1726-1-2010
中文标准名称:用圆形线材和棒材制的圆柱形螺旋弹簧.BS EN 15800标准没有包括的热盘管弹簧和冷盘管弹簧,与一般弹簧的规格和公差的试验方法指南.压缩弹簧
英文标准名称:Cylindrical helical springs made from round wire and bar. Guide to methods of specifying and tolerancing hot coiled springs, and cold coiled springs not covered by BS EN 15800, and general spring testing. Compression springs
发布日期:2010/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/11/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of BS 1726 provides guidance on methods of specifying andtolerancing hot coiled compression springs, and cold coiled springs thatfall outside the size range limits specified in BS EN 15800. In addition,this standard includes in Annex A the general testing methods forparallel sided helical compression springs that are applicable to bothhot and cold coiled springs manufactured from circular section material.Two grades of tolerance, 1 and 2, are given for hot coiled circularsection springs, or cold coiled springs that fall outside the size rangesspecified in BS EN 15800.Three types of end coils are provided for, i.e. open end, closed end,and closed and ground end, the last of these being applicable only tosprings where the diameter or axial dimension of material is 0.5 mmor greater.This part of BS 1726 differentiates between springs that have or havenot been stress relieved after forming (designated group A), andsprings, the material of which has undergone a structural change byheat treatment after forming (designated group B).This standard gives two methods of specifying springs for generalpurposes and one method of testing springs.






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